Uncovering use cases for your design
A framework to help make your design more thoughtful by exploring how people use products.
🕰️ Est. reading time: 3 minutes
Let's talk about use cases.
Use cases show how people might use a product or system. They help designers plan for different situations to make sure users have a good experience.
Take Substack, for example. Some writers send short newsletters, while others send long ones. Substack has limits, and you'll see a warning when you hit them.
Finding use cases isn't just your job - it's a team effort. You might miss some cases that developers spot easily. But you should still try your best to find as many as you can.
I have a simple framework I always use to find potential use cases:
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Happy case (Usage, Intentional):
Someone uses the system or product as designed to achieve a specific goal.
For example, someone visits the login screen, enters their email address and password correctly, and gains access to their account.
Corner case (Usage, Unintentional):
Someone might unintentionally encounter abnormal conditions or exceed normal capacity, even though they are using the system or product as intended.
For example, someone attempts to log in under poor network conditions.
Misuse case (Misusage, Unintentional):
Someone might unintentionally misuse the system or product due to errors or misunderstandings, resulting in unintended or incorrect outcomes.
For example, someone attempts to log in using an incorrect email or password.
Abuse case (Misusage, Intentional):
Someone may deliberately misuse the system or product in ways that violate its intended use policy, exploiting features or capabilities for harmful outcomes.
For example, someone attempts a brute-force attack on the login screen—trying to gain unauthorized access.
By using this framework, you can cover a wide range of scenarios—from ideal usage to potential misuse.
Remember, thinking about use cases isn't just about making your design work; it's about making it work well for everyone who might interact with it. Don't forget that your team is your greatest asset.
Developers, testers, and other designers can all bring unique perspectives to the table. Together, you can create a more robust, user-friendly design that anticipates and addresses various use cases.
So, next time you're working on a design, take a moment to run through these categories. You might be surprised at what you uncover. It's not about predicting every possible scenario, but about being prepared for the most likely ones. Keep exploring, keep questioning, and most importantly, keep designing with your users in mind.
Ultimately, great design is about understanding and fulfilling user needs in all their diverse forms.
Keep exploring and designing,
Your Design Buddy,
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